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 The activities in the field of international cooperation, mobility and project funding under international programmes on education and research have been among the main priorities of "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, as well as a testimonial for its integration into the European education and research space. The University can boast some serious achievements in this sphere, which position it near the top of the rankings of higher schools in Bulgaria and abroad, thus asserting its authority as a respected and prestigious educational and research institution.

"Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is a regular member of The European Universities Association (ЕUА), the Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC), the Visegrad University Association,  Interuniversity Centre – Dubrovnik, Balkan Universities Association, University Agency of Francophonie and Magna Charta Universitatum.

The University occupies a leading position in the academic exchange of students, doctoral students and lecturers under EU programmes, based on over 600 multi- and bilateral contracts signed with universities in over 30 countries like: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Italy Cyprus, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, France, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Sweden, etc. The annual international mobility of students and doctoral students from the University has reached 130, and of lecturers – about 300.

  The University of Ruse has established leadership position in the number and sustainability of projects implemented within the frames of different European programmes: HORIZON 2020, CEEPUS, Frame Programmes for Research and Technologies, etc. It is not accidental that in the European Commission's annual reports about projects under the Seventh Framework Programme, the successful project activities of Ruse University were highlighted. A considerable financial contribution has been reported, based on the participation of the University of Ruse in the Operative Programmes of the Bulgarian government.

  The  University of Ruse is a leader in the field of trans-border cooperation. About ten projects under the Programme for trans-border cooperation Bulgaria-Romania 2014-2020 have been implemented in the last few years. In addition, the Bulgarian Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre (BRIE) was established at the University of Ruse in 2002 as the first trans-border educational structure in Bulgaria and Southeast Europe.

  The University of Ruse is a hub of intensive international activity and hosts numerous international conferences and forums. It participates in and coordinates successfully academic partnership networks, among which the Thematic Network in Computing with 67 partners from 35 countries and the Academic Network in Entrepreneurship and Innovations RESICA with partner-universities from 13 countries.

  The main activities related to planning, organizing and developing of international cooperation, mobility and project funding in the University of Ruse are conducted by Internationalisation and Communication Policy (ICP).
  The starting point in the work of ICP is the following set of basic principles:

  1. Sustaining and developing the tradition and good practices in the field of ICP established in the University of Ruse.
  2. Harmonizing the activity of the sector with the latest European requirements, standards and values for cooperation and integration (Europe 2020, Lifelong Learning, etc.).
  3. Wide-range opening of the University towards the international academic community, its integration and cooperation with prestigious international educational and research institutions, non-government and business organizations.
  4. Priority orientation to project funding and attracting international donors.
  5. Encouraging student activity in the field of international cooperation.

The following offices are involved in the activities of the ICP Service:

  • International Cooperation 
  • University Erasmus Office,
  • Project Funding

  The work of ICP is aided by the Council of ICP, which has consultancy functions and coordinates the operative execution of activities in the field of European integration and international cooperation at a faculty level.

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